Recruit Interns

I am always interested to recruit self-motivated students to join my group as (online or offline) interns. A more detailed description can be found at this Zhihu post.

Drop me an email if you want to have a chat.

Current Members

I feel honored to be able to work, and grow together, with many young students with unlimited talent.


  • Zekun Wang | LLMs | MPhil at Beihang U.
  • Ka Man Lo | LLMs, Modular DL | undergrad at Peking U., Yuanpei Class
  • Xinyu Zhou | Meta Learning | Msc at EPFL
  • Zhaoliang Chen | LLMs | undergrad at Emory U.

Alumni (they as interns, me as advisor)

These are excellent students who I advised and worked with when I worked as an independent researcher

  • Zihan Qiu | LLMs, Modular DL | undergrad at Tsinghua U., Yao Class -> Alibaba Qwen Team, 2022 - 24
  • Lukas Vierling | LLMs | Exchange undergrad at HKUST -> MPhil at Oxford, 2024
  • Ge Zhang | LLMs | Msc at U. of Michigan -> PhD at U. of Waterloo, 2022 - 23
  • Zeyu Huang | LLMs | PhD at U. of Edinburgh, 2022 - 23
  • Chenmien Tan | LLMs | Msc at U. of Edinburgh, 2023
  • Jingbang Chen | Meta Learning | Msc at UCLA -> PhD at UCLA, 2023
  • Chenqing Hua | Graph neural network & Drug Discovery, MPhil at McGill U., 2022 - 23
  • Jiayi Geng | Meta Learning, Undergrad at McGill U. -> MPhil at Princeton U., 2022 - 23
  • Qi Liu | Molecular Dynamics, PhD at City U. of Hong Kong, 2022
  • Haoyu He | Deep Genomics, PhD at Max Planck, 2022
  • Wei Pang | Drug Discovery, MSc at U. of Waterloo, 2022
  • Maolong Yang | Retrieval-based transformer, undergrad at Yao Class, Tsinghua U., 2022

Alumni (they as interns, me as mentor)

These are amazing students who I mentored and worked with when I was still a junior researcher

  • Zedian Xiao | Drug Discovery, undergrad at McGill U. -> MSc at Stanford U.
  • Bingchan Zhao | RL for power network, undergrad at Peking U. -> MPhil at Peking U.
  • Zhijian Duan | RL, undergrad at Peking U. -> PhD at Peking U.
  • Mustafa Alghali | AI for social good, MSc at AMMI -> data scientist at Unity
  • Ronak Pradeep | Question answering, undergrad at U. of Waterloo -> PhD at U. of Waterloo
  • Ning Dai | Translation, undergrad at Fudan U. -> PhD at Oregon State U.
  • Dayiheng Liu | Text generation, PhD at Sichuan U. -> researcher at Alibaba
  • Shangbang Long | Adversarial attack, undergrad at Peking U. -> research engineer at Google
  • Vardaan Pahuja | Visual question answering, MSc at Mila -> PhD at Ohio State U.
  • Danlu Chen | Hyperparameter optimization, undergrad at Fudan U. -> PhD at UCSD
  • Ritchie Ng | Hyperparameter optimization, undergrad at NUS -> hedge fund director
  • Hongyin Luo | Hyperparameter optimization, undergrad at Tsinghua U. -> PhD at MIT